publisher chester – Chester Handbooks

Safeguarding Business Continuity: Embracing Lasting Power of Attorney as a Resolution for 2024

(Article Contributed By My Local Solicitor) In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, where uncertainty lurks around corners, securing the longevity and resilience of a business is paramount. Among the numerous risk-management strategies, one often overlooked yet crucial tool is the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for businesses. As we step into 2024, it’s time entrepreneurs … Continued

Don’t Let Deadlines Catch You Out!

Managing finances is a critical aspect of any individual or business, and adhering to Inland Revenue deadlines is a key component of this responsibility. Here, we will explore the significance of meeting Inland Revenue deadlines, the consequences of non-compliance, and provide practical tips for ensuring timely submission of documents and payments. Importance of Inland Revenue … Continued

Why Your Business Can’t Afford To Ignore Email Marketing Any Longer

On every website there’s opportunities to enter your information such as name and email address in exchange for an exclusive offer/promotion, monthly newsletter or even takeaway tips. But what do with those emails after you’ve persuaded someone to part with their information? Email marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy that offers numerous benefits … Continued

5 Easy Tips On How To Make It Work Working With Family!

5 quick and easy tips on how to make it work working with family! Understand and respect each other’s true natures. By understanding one another’s tendencies and traits, we can communicate more effectively to avoid emotionally triggering each other. Keep it professional. Always use first names in the office/shop/areas with the public! Respect roles and … Continued

Looking At Your Business Objectively

As a business owner, it’s important to remember to put yourself in your customer’s shoes occasionally and not forget that experience is everything! Approaching the end of 2023, people’s attention spans are becoming increasingly (and terrifyingly!) short. It’s estimated that approximately 40% of people will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds … Continued

Why Trust is Important for Your Business

Business gurus tell us that one of the golden rules of building a successful business is to ‘earn the trust of our potential customers and clients by helping them to get to know and like us’. But how do you do it? The concept of KNOW, LIKE & TRUST using one of favourite models. The … Continued

5 Reasons Why It Makes Sense To Use a One-Stop-Shop

We know you have a thousand things to do every day in running your own business so it makes sense to use one design and printers who will understand every part of your brand and its values. Using multiple suppliers for design, print and even supply can come with multiple challenges – let us do … Continued